Can a Marriage or Relationship Be Brought Back from the Dead?

Most things that die stay that way. Is it the same for relationships and marriage?

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Matthew Fray

They say the opposite of love isn’t hate, but indifference.

I don’t believe that. I think hate is love’s antonym. But if I’ve realized anything in life that could be described accurately as wisdom, it’s that what I believe doesn’t mean anything.

Your beliefs are crap. Sorry. I don’t mean your beliefs are untrue. They may be 100-percent true. I mean simply that us believing something doesn’t make it true.

Examples of common beliefs which are in dispute or known to be false:

A jolly and overweight man named Santa Claus delivers gifts to children worldwide in a flying sleigh pulled by magical reindeer in one night.

Bill Cosby is a good guy.

Bats are blind.

It’s hard to admit because we love to believe we’re somehow in on The Secret, and all who disagree are incorrect dumbasses.

All religions, political affiliations, fields of study, or groups of any kind and size — including two-person romantic relationships — are comprised of human beings who believe things.



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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