Clarification is Needed When He Says You Are the One

The One what? Let’s talk this out.

Crystal Jackson
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by Dmytro Tolokonov on Unsplash

We’ve been sold a fairy tale. I just didn’t think I was the type of person to believe it. But I must have, at least on some level. Because I was love bombed, and I just … believed it.

Fools Rush In

Let’s be honest: I wanted to believe it. I wanted to believe that someone would fall in love with me so quickly and completely. I wanted to believe that every hard lesson was worth it because everything had worked out in the end.

That’s how love bombing gets us. We don’t tell ourselves that it’s too soon, particularly if our feelings are all too real. We don’t say that they’re moving too fast. Fools rush in, but we do it because we still have hope that this time, this time, will be the happily ever after of our wildest dreams.

I’m talking to a friend who’s telling me about this man she’s dating. He’s already mentioned that she’s The One. I can’t help but scoff and ask, “The One what?” Does he mean that she’s The One meant to hold his childhood trauma? To fix him? To make him feel better about himself and less alone in the world? Or The One to pay half the bills and take care of his children? The One to stroke his ego?

Clarification is Needed

