Clear Signs the Person You Fell for Is Flaky

Stop breaking your own heart again and again.

Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love


Photo by Budgeron Bach

Recently, someone commented on one of my articles that they don’t believe in this dating trend.

Sure, the behaviors aren’t new, but if you aren’t aware of them, there’s a chance you’ll make the same mistake over and over again.

Let me give you an example from my own experience.

When I was on dating apps, I used to make this mistake at least a couple of times when I couldn’t let go of a guy who constantly flaked on me.

When we talked over the phone, it felt like he was ready to meet and have a date.

He kept saying, “I’m so excited to see you!”, but then a day later, he would text me saying something came up, so he needed to reschedule our date.

I didn’t see it as a red flag because, well, he’s very cute and funny.

It took me a while to realize that things wouldn’t go anywhere with this guy, and I should’ve let it go sooner.

Knowing the trends associated with certain behaviors will help you see things more clearly.

You don’t need to play the guessing game. You catch the signs earlier and plan your exit.

What are the common signs…



Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦