Common Habits of Someone Who Got Emotionally Attached Too Soon

“Where should we go for our family vacation?”

Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

“How could you call someone the love of your life while you’ve only been with them for less than 3 months?”

Hmm. Tina was right. Turned out he wasn’t “the one”.

I hated to admit that it was nothing more than just one of those guys I got emotionally attached to too soon with.

Knowing you could fall in love (and also commit) to someone in seconds is one thing.

But breaking the habit and avoiding making the same mistake? It’s a lot harder.

The hyper-focus attention

“What this means is usually after some time when their love bombing period is over, you’ll still put in the same effort and energy.”

It’s no surprise people who get emotionally attached too fast are the ones with a deep anxious attachment issue.

I was one of them and I can tell you dating life was far from fun.

You don’t even need to meet the “perfect” person to trigger it. It all usually starts with the love bombing. If someone shows you intense love and attention, you’ll…



Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦