Count the Kindness From Guys on Dating Sites

I’m grateful for every gentlemanly gesture.

Phoenix Huber
Hello, Love


Photo by sept commercial on Unsplash

Something I have done a lot — dwelling on online dating disappointments.

Remembering the matches that didn’t work out, I worry about my chances in love. I also worry that I disappointed everyone else on the dating app.

But I take a pause from my exacerbation. I count the blessings. The affection, thoughtfulness, courtesy, and inspiration that men on the dating site have given me.

If I look, the positives have been plentiful! Many great people have crossed my path, and they left it prettier than they found it.

This gives me hope that maybe, I too have been a small blessing in some of those other people’s lives.

Count with me. As you read my blessings list below, see what positives you recall from your online dating misadventures. You deserve the optimism!

The kindness in opening messages

Countless messages have brought me joy, even ones I thought I was “supposed” to make fun of. Most of them I never replied to.

I wanted to reply, but I didn’t want to lead people on. They may never know that their messages cheered up my day.



Phoenix Huber
Hello, Love

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: