Dating Is A Numbers Game

And sometimes the numbers are ages.

Carol Lennox
Hello, Love


Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

I’ve dated men, and one woman, seventeen years younger than I. I also dated a man twenty-two years older. Because dating is about playing the numbers. Not just in quantity, but also in quality, no matter the person’s age.

At different stages of life, it can be hard to find quality people of a certain age to date.

In our forties, most people are partnered up. They usually also have children. They have little time or energy for single friends, although they wish you would find someone so you could be a foursome. In one way or another. Or maybe they’ve already hinted at a threesome, but that’s not your thing. If you’re really lucky, they may fix you up with someone.

However, even the single ones in their forties often have children. And exes. This means they’re very busy, work and child care taking the majority of their time. If you’re single in this decade of life, finding a partner is extremely difficult. When you do, be prepared to become a pseudo parent to someone else’s kid, and a friend or foe of their ex. Such fun.

If you date younger, while in your forties, you may encounter fewer encumbrances. Dating someone in their thirties may mean there are no ex marriage partners, and no kids. If you’re a single parent, though, know that a lot of…



Carol Lennox
Hello, Love

Psychotherapist sharing new choices. Leans far Left. Mindfulness practitioner before it was cool. LPC, M.Ed. Helping you make a difference every day