Dating vs. Marriage: How love is different between the two

Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2022


It seems like everyone has a different understanding of love and marriage. In contrast to marriage, love is the most subjective of all emotions. Its definition can alter depending on who you ask and can differ across various nations, cultures, faiths, and between different generations. Essentially, love is a state of pure passion. A sense of accomplishment is also present. Although it is nearly impossible to define love in concrete terms, most people agree that it is the sum of all feelings, emotions, and experiences that demonstrate a deep or strong sense of affection. As a result, it is undoubtedly more than just friendship, as it is a long-lasting sense of want and caring for someone else.

Dating vs. Marriage

When you are in love, you are not compelled to be married since it is a choice rather than an obligation; yet, marriage is considered the end (or the beginning) of a relationship in most countries. Although not all weddings end up due to love, such set marriages should not be overlooked. Even though love is one of the most important aspects to consider in a wedding, a few couples still marry, although they do not have a romantic relationship.

On the other hand, marriage is more of legal or civil status. It is the ceremony in which a couple is legally united in marriage. This practice…



Hello, Love

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