Dealing With Failed Relationship Guilt

You begin considering how they would be able to cope without you in their lives.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Raymond Michael

It is no fun getting to the point of accepting that a long term relationship is no longer going well. Then arise the more delicate issue of contemplating to break up the relationship. Had this been just the problem with most long term relationship breakups, that would have been be more tolerable. The most difficult part is actually dealing with the guilt of separating with someone you have loved for so long.

This feeling of guilt often arises because nobody wants to cause harm to someone they have loved so much. Therefore thoughts about what the repercussions of such actions on the person might be starts flooding your mind.

Such good feelings makes you not wanting to hurt or make them cry and heartbroken. You begin considering how they would be able to cope without you in their lives. You might also be having feelings of being responsible for them. These are some of the causes of the guilt most people feel when breaking up a long term relationship.

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These feelings are natural and are indicative of the fact that you care about your partner and considerate towards…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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