Dear Straight Men: Please Don’t Tell Your New Date You Had to Have a Therapy Session About Her

Welcome her slowly into your fantastic-ness instead!

Rhyena Halpern
Hello, Love


Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

I spoke with this very nice man only once by phone. We had great energy on the phone, lots of shared cultural references and experiences personally and professionally. I really enjoyed it and was excited to get to know him further.

Afterwards he sent me several texts expressing his strong interest in me and hope of what we could become. It seemed like he might be romanticizing a bit but we texted back and forth that day and all was well, I thought.

He promised to call in a few days after he returned from a trip with his kids.

I heard bubkis for a week and sensed that his energy had shifted.

So I reached out to him. He told me that the reason he was late getting in touch with me was because he had to have a therapy session before he spoke to me again.

I was not prepared for that response. Why did he need his therapist? We had had good energy!

Dating is all about energy, right? We ask ourselves on new dates- Is there enough energy between us, good vibes, is the meta-communication between us alive and strong?



Rhyena Halpern
Hello, Love

Proud member of 60+ women who are having the best sex of their lives club. Writes on Sex & Relationships, Wellness, Healing, Wise Eldering, Death & Dying.