Dislike Ghosting? Do Your Part To End It

Kill the culture with your kindness.

Annie Wegner
Hello, Love


Women ghosting her lover.
Photo by Annie Wegner | Made in Canva Pro | Ghosting

Goodbyes aren’t easy, even on favorable terms.

Most people think they only have to say goodbye to avoid being a villain.

It takes a few more courtesies. But I promise it is pretty simple.

#1. Reply

A tip for the one getting the breakup message.

If someone says bye, reply. Say goodbye back.

If you don’t acknowledge the note with a sentence or an emoji wave, the sender will think the closure wasn’t necessary.

The ex or potential partner after you won’t get this kindness if you don’t return civility over text. Don’t say “K.” respond with “Thanks.” or “It was nice knowing you.”.

Here’s what a Harvard Business Review study says about appreciation.

“Feeling genuinely appreciated lifts people up. At the most basic level, it makes us feel safe, which is what frees us to do our best work. It’s also energizing. When our value feels at risk, as it so often does, that worry becomes preoccupying, which drains and diverts our energy from creating value.” — Harvard Business Review

