Do NOT Get Married Until You Do These 3 Things

Preparing for your marriage is more important than preparing for the wedding day

Stu Gray
Hello, Love


older married couple planting a garden near their house
Married couple gardening togetther. Photo by Greta Hoffman

I hurt.
And that’s an understatement.

I spent the better part of Saturday tilling, weeding and planting a garden with my wife and our next door neighbors. We decided to make it a “community thing” this year so all the kids could experience the joy of having a garden.

The problem is, I’m a creative kind of guy, not a physical labor kind of guy.
I spend my days behind a keyboard and a microphone.

I’m lucky I’m able to type, due to the bulging blisters that made my neighbor wince.

Sowing Into Your Marriage

After much digging, weeding and making lines in dirt, we eventually made it to planting.

And the comment was made:

“Wow, it’s amazing how much preparation and time you have to take to get the dirt ready. Then you plant, and within minutes you’re done.”

In our culture, the “preparing part” — the “getting the dirt ready” — of a marriage, seems to be about the wedding celebration, more than planning for a successful marriage.



Stu Gray
Hello, Love

I encourage challenge and inspire married couples to have STUPENDOUS marriages!