Do THESE and They’ll Fall In Love With You: 9 Powerful Psychological Strategies

Create the fear of losing you.

Hello, Love


Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt you weren’t a priority for others?

Have you ever experienced a moment when you completed a job well had a great idea or did something truly valuable for others, only to receive no credit for it?

I know, this is hard to deal with.

Unfortunately, sometimes even when you act in the right way, do what’s best for everyone and make yourself available to others. People may not notice or pretend not to notice your true worth.

In fact, if you keep trying to please people who don’t give you the recognition you deserve, you might end up disheartened and reversing the situation can be quite challenging. It’s definitely not a good feeling.

It becomes even worse when it involves someone close to you, such as family, friends or a partner.

According to stoic philosophy, we shouldn’t expect recognition from others because it’s beyond our control and such recognition may not happen therefore, you shouldn’t wait for it, that’s a recipe for frustration.

But what if I told you, there are methods to become a priority in someone’s life to be more…

