Do This When a Narcissist Discards You

This strategy has worked on every single narcissist I’ve dated — overt, malignant, and covert.

Hello, Love


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

I wrote about how I was discarded by my ex (who is a covert narcissist) after he planted a used condom in my bed and blamed me for it (the setup for the discard).

After he left, I took the weekend to myself and only reached out to end the relationship that Sunday. He was defensive from the start and I made it worse by initiating and maintaining a conversation full of narcissistic injuries.

I told him I thought something was seriously, mentally wrong with him. I then began unexpectedly revealing all his dirty secrets I wasn’t supposed to know, telling him he needed help, and that he would essentially live to regret losing me more than he could ever anticipate.

He knew the jig was up and he flew into a narcissistic rage. The conversation went from me letting him know I could never move past what he did or the kind of person really he is to him telling me —

“I love you but I’m tired of this. From this day forward I am dead to you. Lose my contact number.”

What disgusted me was his audacity in trying to shift the blame, only making himself appear uglier. And the guilt trip he unsuccessfully tried to…



Hello, Love

Evil prevails when good women write nothing. -LIN