Do You Know How Lucky You Are?

You have found someone that expands your ability to love.

Agents of Change
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Johnathan Bane

I wrote this in a state of deep inebriation. My apologies.

If you’re married and you have had the good fortune to not despise your partner, you’re lucky. You’re both lucky. Indulge me for a minute.

Think about this. There are about 600 trillion galactic superclusters in the observable universe, about 600 trillion galaxies in each supercluster, 600 trillion stars within each galaxy, with about 600 trillion planets. On ONE of those planets, in a crap corner of the galaxy, in an unremarkable part of stellar space, there are about 7 billion people. If we assume that of the other planets, 0.0001% are similarly populated, then you’re looking at two grains of sand on all the beaches on this planet.

You are TWO of that almost infinite amount, both finding each other at the right time, under the right circumstances and being compatible enough in nature to not kill each other. The odds of the two of you finding each other is akin to winning the lottery while being struck by lightning in a plane falling out of the sky. Yeah, lucky doesn’t even begin to over it.

But, your luck gets even better.



Agents of Change
Hello, Love

A collaborative effort between “agents of change,” Good Men Media, Inc. and Connection Victory Publishing Company.