Never Let Go of a Partner With This One Quality

“If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” -Steve Jobs

Colleen Murphy
Hello, Love


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Relationships. Sigh.

Is your mission in life to find “the one”? Or are you questioning if your partner is truly the one for you?

When we are dating, there are so many red flags to look out for, so many toxic qualities to avoid. Feel a connection too fast? It might be love-bombing. Watch out. Trying to figure out if you have a future? Don’t push too hard, you are supposed to be leaning back. Everything should happen naturally.

Instead of trying to diagnose every problematic relationship quality, let’s talk about what we should be looking for…and it is actually the one thing we all really crave.

So what actually makes someone a great partner?

A research study at Carnegie Mellon found that supportive spouses were a core component to individual success. The team studied 163 couples and presented them with a choice. They could complete a puzzle or compete for a prize. The prize was a far more challenging project. Couples were presented with the problem and researchers recorded what they said to one another.



Colleen Murphy
Hello, Love

Writing about the beautiful journey of life and love. We are all figuring this out together