Does Your Wife Think You’re a Child?

If things are going to come into better balance and you are to be acknowledged as the capable man that you are, it’s up to you to step up and claim it.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


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By Lesli Doares

It’s frequently said that men are just big boys, and the only difference is the price of their toys. And quite frankly, that is disrespectful on so many levels. And way too many wives get away with giving voice to this stereotype. I once was one of them.

After being married for a few years, I would frequently get the question about when I was going to have a child. My oh so snappy answer was often, “You mean another one?” The implication being that I already had one in my husband. The truth? My husband has always been an adult and an equal partner in our marriage. He has loved me, supported me and our children in every way possible, and made my life better than I ever dreamed it would be.

We’ve had challenges at times, as all couples do, but he’s never given me any reason to question his capabilities or maturity. He’s never acted like a child and I’ve never treated him like one. I also stopped “teasing” about him being my first child. It wasn’t funny. It was insulting.



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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