Don’t Ignore These 4 Yellow and Orange Flags

Signs to look out for while dating and how you can address them.

Breanna Ventures
Hello, Love


Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

We were sitting across from each other in a booth at a Mexican restaurant. We had just spent a couple of hours riding roller coasters at a local theme park. He suggested we get dinner.

We were still in the getting-to-know-each-other phase, peppering in questions here and there over chips and salsa.

He had mentioned his last relationship and how it ended in a bit of a disaster. I took a sip of my water. I was curious, so I asked about it.

“A disaster? What happened?”

He met my eyes with a hesitant expression. “Well, I had been thinking about ending it with her for a while, but our anniversary was coming up so I decided to wait till after it passed…”

I zoned out, imagining an oblivious woman, happy in her relationship — probably planning anniversary ideas and gifts, unaware that one day, I would be sitting across from him on a date and she would be elsewhere.

“… But then, she lost her job.”

I zoned back in. “Oh, no.”

“Yeah. So, she moved in with me. We both knew it was temporary, though. Eventually, she got another job and her own place. And then we ended…



Breanna Ventures
Hello, Love

I write about travel, life, and whatever else is randomly occupying space in my mind :)