Don’t Make Me Say No More Than Once

An open letter to persistent men.

Samia Mounts
Hello, Love


Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash

To all proudly persistent men:

On behalf of overburdened women everywhere, I would like to ask you to please start taking no for an answer. The first time you hear it.

This isn’t a piece about sexual assault. If you don’t know how to accept a “no” in a sexual encounter, then you need more help than I can give you. Although, while we’re on the topic, do not make a woman say “NO” more than once in a sexual encounter. EVER. One “no,” and you STOP whatever you’re doing and apologize immediately. Ask if she’s okay. Get her a glass of water. Offer to leave, even if you’re at your place. I’m serious.

But again, this isn’t about sexual assault. No, I’m talking to the guys out there who ask a woman out, get a polite “no”…and then ask again on another day. And again the following week. And again a month later.

Stop. Doing. That. We hate saying no to you. Don’t make us say it more than once. I guarantee if we change our minds, we will let you know.

Look, I’m not saying I don’t get where you’re coming from. I watched all the same rom-coms and ’80s movies as you did growing up. I thought it was wildly romantic when the lovable goofball wouldn’t give up on trying to get the attention of the…



Samia Mounts
Hello, Love

LA-based actor, singer, writer, and producer. Polyamorous, pansexual, pangender, body-positive + sex-positive. Connect with me at