Everyone Is Getting Married and I’m Still Single

‘Fill your own cup’ is the correct phrase here.

Shamar M
Hello, Love


Photo by Saeed Sarshar on Unsplash

People don’t hide anything anymore. Every time I log onto one of my social media accounts, someone is announcing or hinting at something. A baby, a new job, a new car, a gift, everything is public.

As someone who strongly believes in the spiritual evil eye, I’m unsure as to why anyone would want to publicly announce a huge blessing to the world when even your friends and family can be secretly jealous of you and wish you the worst behind your back, but I digress. This is all normal now, apparently.

There is one particular trend I noticed throughout 2023 and 2024 so far… Has anyone else noticed everyone is getting married lately?

Someone who I follow on Instagram uploaded an image of her friend being proposed to on the street. They said yes, congratulations to them.

The next day, she attended a wedding as a bridesmaid for a different friend. Yesterday, she uploaded an image of her engagement ring as she is now getting married herself. A few hours ago, she uploaded a photo of someone else getting proposed to.

Congratulations to all of them, but my question is, was this a collaborative agreement between a friendship group? Surely this cannot be a coincidence?



Shamar M
Hello, Love

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.