Experience a Moment of Delight; Nothing Else Fucking Matters

Not today at least.

Dani Mini
Hello, Love


Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

A person I love very much (infinitely, you could say) is going through a moment of existential dread. Yeah, I know, it happens to everyone, and sometimes we think we know what the person should do to get over it. But when it’s happening to someone you love deeply, it’s hard to know what to say or do to help.

Driving to work one day this week, it suddenly hit me: a moment of elation that I wanted to transmit to my loved one. Wouldn’t it be great if we could communicate a sensation directly?

Here’s the best I can do using the material at hand: words.

Find a moment of delight. Nothing else fucking matters.

The sky is blue; the trees along the parkway are beautiful and will soon grow leaves. It’s delightful to behold.

Thinking about you fills me with delight.

Being struck with an idea and wanting to share it with YOU, my dearest, was energizing and uplifting.

As I drove, I thought, “I’m going to write about this moment for you,” and the thought was incredibly joyful. I decided I’d use the “f” word in my writing for the first time ever and the intention gave me a grandiose feeling of boldness.

Darling, it doesn’t matter how you get to experience delight: find the moment, receive it, make it, notice it, capture it, steal it, create it, give it, invent it, or whatever.

That’s all I want to tell you:

Today, experience one moment of delight. Nothing else fucking matters.



Dani Mini
Hello, Love

Dani is a special education advocate and writer of anything worth pondering, from autism to Botox.