Final Answers to Men’s Fears About Approaching Women

Sebastian Hallqvist
Hello, Love
Published in
15 min readJun 11, 2020


Photo by David Hurley on Unsplash

As an entrepreneur and designer, I do a lot of user research.

The reason is simple: inside the business, we tell ourselves a story about our customers and the way our product and brand interact with the world.

Conducting user research is about figuring out which assumptions are right and which ones are wrong. It’s also about learning new things that you never even considered.

The goal is simply to get your story closer to reality.

I love this process of asking real people real questions and observing them in real situations. Recently, I decided to apply it to an area of my private life — an area in which I have never been particularly skilled, and where many others are struggling as well.

I wanted answers to everything I fear about approaching women.

The Problem

For many single guys, walking up to a woman is one of the scariest things in the world.

It’s like laying your torso bare before the cold dagger that is mother nature. Will you be chosen or stabbed in the heart?

(Ladies, you know you're in charge, right?)

Sure, there are some real casanovas out there. And some people are really good at social interaction in…



Sebastian Hallqvist
Hello, Love

Founder & CEO at OMNI¹ ( I write about the intersection of modern life and our natural state of being.