Financial Scenarios to Discuss with the Person You’re Dating

If you can resolve these issues, you’ve got a keeper.

Lee Bidoski
Hello, Love


Photo by Diane Helentjaris on Unsplash

Most of us don’t have to be worried about gold diggers. After all, we don’t have enough gold to attract gold diggers. But we do have to worry that picking the wrong person can be a risk to our financial security, however small our fortune.

So before you make any decisions to get married, I urge you discuss each of the below scenarios with the person you’re dating.

The scenarios are, in some cases, horror stories I’ve heard over the years. Some are just common dilemmas. But as you read through them together, consider how the two of you would want to handle these scenarios should these scenarios actually happen in your relationship.

Use these scenarios to help you learn what each other’s values and beliefs about money are.

Along the way, I’ll give you some tips that protects the emotional interests of all involved. Because pre-nups aren’t actually about money — they’re about trust, and that’s more about psychology than it is about money or law.

Disclaimer: I don’t claim to be giving legal advice. This is just a tool for building — or vetting — relationships.



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