Five Lies That Could Be The Demise Of Your Relationship

#1. Telling your partner that you are emotionally available when you aren’t

Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love


Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash

Everyone tells little white lies in their relationships…. right?

White lies have become acceptable for some people. Still, I know from personal experience that any relationship I have had in the past that included lying always ended swiftly because we couldn’t rebuild the trust.

The issue with “little white lies” is that it’s easy to start withholding information until it starts to snowball into full-on blatant lying.

There is nothing I love more than the fact that my partner and I are completely open with each other. I don’t hide things for him, and I know that I receive full honesty in return.

It always seems to be the seemingly “smallest” lies that result in a relationship’s demise. Here are the most common lies that I have experienced and witnessed other couples go through that have ended in their downfall.

#1. Telling your partner that you are emotionally available when you aren’t

There is advice that the best way to get over someone is to date someone new (or get under them), and I can't entirely agree.



Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: