Five Simple Rules to Have a Successful Relationship

Invest your emotions wisely.

Hello, Love


Relationships are messy because they involve two imperfect people with their own baggage, trying to combine a life. If you expect things to be smooth, flawless, and easy because you are in love, you are going to be disappointed.

It is when relationships get messy that we tend to walk away, declare it unsavable, and eventually move on. I think it is a waste of time and emotional investment to keep a relationship surfing, hoping to find “the one” and being hurt or hurting others over and over again.

Having a successful relationship isn’t sprinkled with magic fairy dust that some people get, and others don’t. The most successful relationships have a few things in common.

Treat every relationship like a serious commitment

As adults, after a few relationships have failed, I see people taking way too long even to admit they are in a relationship. They may be seeing someone, but they will not own the responsibility of being in a relationship. You are shooting yourself in the foot here, assuming that a long-term relationship is your ultimate goal.

It does not protect you from getting hurt to deny the relationship. Instead, it means that if you are hurt, you…



Hello, Love

A professional freelance writer specializing in crafting content for law firms and businesses. Visit my website at