For My Deceased Fiancé

I met you three times in my life so far.

Hello, Love


I met you three times in my life so far

I witnessed you grow from a Boy, to a Man, to a King

I knew being in the presence of you meant that I was in the presence of royalty

So in return, I gave you Me, A Queen

You are beautifully flawed

Nothing was picture perfect but your frame was still strong

You are the anchor to many of our lives and that will never change

Your unconditional love will never expire

The leader, the man, the love of my life

You ascended and it turned me fearless

My greatest fear became true

The absence of the physical aspect of you awoken a thought

“No one is invincible”

But even then, the soul lives on forever

Your spirit will hold me forever

You gave me enough love for eternity

To experience such a powerhouse for a decade

I am forever grateful and humbled

My sanctuary, my soulmate

You are the greatest teacher I’ve ever known

I still look to you for many answers

You never failed me even when you thought you failed me

I realized you never betrayed me in the way that we as humans naturally feel

My greatest lessons came from you

The purest love I’ve ever felt came from you

Our union is not over

I can’t wait to meet you again



Hello, Love

University of Washington Alumni | Critical thinker | Artist | Editor of Wreader | Writer for The Ascent, Hello, Love, Illumination, and More |