Forever and Always

Beyond the Horizons of Love

Poonam Vashist
Hello, Love


Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

My Dearest,

I hope this letter finds you wrapped in the warmth of my love, just as you have enveloped my heart with your presence. I know I’ve sent you letters before, but each time I pick up my pen, I am reminded of the incredible journey we’ve embarked on together.

Before I met you, I often wondered how I would recognize the one meant for me. It’s beautiful how life has its own way of working things out, for the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the missing piece I had been searching for.

I’ve encountered many people in my life, but with you, it’s different. You make me feel as though everything else simply fades into the background, and I want nothing more than to lose myself in your eyes, to be with you forever.

With you, everything feels effortless and joyful. I never imagined that being with someone could be so natural as if we are two souls entwined in different bodies. I genuinely feel that we are a part of each other, and with you, I feel complete and whole.

I cherish the unspoken understanding between us, the way we connect on a level that transcends words. It’s as though our souls communicate effortlessly, and our hearts beat in harmony. Every day, I can’t help but fall in love with you all over again.

You are the sun that brightens my darkest days, the moon that guides me through the night, and the stars that twinkle in the vast sky of my life. With you, my world is more vibrant, more meaningful, and more enchanting.

Thank you, my love, for walking into my life and making it the most beautiful and fulfilling journey I could have ever envisioned. I wouldn’t have comprehended the depths of love and happiness that you’ve brought into my world, and I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life.

My love, you have my heart.

Forever Yours!💖

PS: This letter is fictional, straight from the heart and mind of a hopeful soul.



Poonam Vashist
Hello, Love

In pursuit of creating magic with my words and making a subtle difference by bringing closer the worlds of my dreams.✨