Four Feelings You Should Never Tolerate In A Healthy Relationship

#1. Insecurity brought on by your partner’s actions.

Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love


I was seething with anger and hurt.

It had been over a day since I had received a single text from my boyfriend. A group of friends and I were out at the bar and I had reached out asking if he wanted to meet us. Hours passed and multiple texts were ignored although I could see that they had been read.

Although he was the only thing on my mind I was determined to put on the facade of having fun. My social feed filled up with photos of me dancing with my friends and by all appearances, having a blast… even though all I could think about was his silence.

That night was many years ago. Now a distant memory for me, I was reminded of it by a client of mine who spoke of how she had feared she would never again feel joy without her toxic ex. She told me of the nights she would go out with her friends, and post in the hopes he would see it and miss her.

Her words reminded me of that night I felt so empty and sad those many years ago. They also reminded me that we have to pay attention to our feelings to ensure that we don’t fall into unhealthy relationships.

There are the five feelings that I encountered…



Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: