Four Signs That You Are Dating Someone Who is Seeing Other People

#3. They post photos of the two of you but there are always other people in them

Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love


When I was sixteen I had a huge crush on my neighbor that lived down the street from my house.

Over the years we had always waved at each other from across the street and would see each other at our small-town events such as the Fourth of July firework show that the city put on.

At one point he got my phone number and would send me flirty texts when we drove past each other, but I assumed it wasn’t going to go any further.

To my absolute delight, he asked me to hang out one night which resulted in one of the most romantic moments of my young adult life. We got milkshakes, he attempted to teach me to drive stick, and the night ended with the first kiss that ever gave me butterflies.

After that night we saw each other a few more times, but the majority of our communication was over text. There were continual hints that we would end up together and he told me that he liked me over and over again… so I ended up spending months waiting for him to actually date me.

One day I got online and saw that he was in a relationship with another girl. My young heart was broken but that day I…



Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: