Four Things that Help Chemistry When Dating

Court and Spark is not just a great Joni Mitchell song.

Rhyena Halpern
Hello, Love


Photo by Shakibuzzaman Khan on Unsplash

I date really nice, good people, mostly men.

Kind, considerate, loyal.

Mensches, good partner material.

But often, there is no initial chemistry.

I try two or even more dates to see if it could ignite.

Sadly I conclude that it is doubtful that a spark could or would fire.

This is sad because as I said, they are great partner material, we have a lot in common and enjoy good conversation together. I want to feel it but don’t.

Chemistry is elusive and beyond our control, right?

Therapists might say its my childhood trauma still in the way.

Or maybe you think I am too particular.

But most people relate and believe the ‘it’ factor is either there or its not. They know what I am talking about. Its an age-old story.

We know what it is like to want badly to feel that chemistry but can’t seem to conjure it up.

Are there things you can do to help that spark, well, spark?

Speaking only for myself, I posit that confidence with a dose of flirtatiousness and some…



Rhyena Halpern
Hello, Love

Proud member of 60+ women who are having the best sex of their lives club. Writes on Sex & Relationships, Wellness, Healing, Wise Eldering, Death & Dying.