Gen Z Quietly Giving Up Is a Distress Call, but We’re Not Listening

Zoomers are rejecting the hustle culture and embracing the “lazy girl jobs” revolution.

Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love


Why Gen Z Is Giving Up On Their Financial Future
Image by freepik

“OK, I hear you. If we try everything else, and you still feel this bad, you can end your life.”

That was a mom giving her 17-year-old daughter permission to end her life. Faith’s mom felt helpless because of the constant suicide attempt by her daughter.

Faith has been battling with mental illness since her childhood. Her first suicide attempt was at 7 years old.

Faith was a sweet little girl who felt lost and thought dying would give her peace. But she wanted her mum to accept her death as liberation and not be broken when she’s gone.

Ten years later, Faith is 27 years old. She has completed her master’s degree and working as a licensed therapist. She’s still struggling with mental illness but has more control over her health now than before.

Her mum says her accepting Faith’s death made her daughter feel she understands her and has someone going through pain with her.

Faith’s story is remarkable because this is how most Gen Zs feel. They are overwhelmed by the future and…



Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: