Get Rid of Your Infatuation

Advice from a good friend about letting go of a Coronavirus crush.

Masaki Araya
Hello, Love
2 min readMay 4, 2020


Courtesy of moritz320 on

Your final days may be upon you, and you are faced with a conundrum of whether or not if revealing your feelings to a crush, you’ve eyed on for a while before the quarantined life took over, is well worth the risk. Yes, it is an emotionally confusing situation. You’re thinking by not doing so, it might be too late to shoot your shot, especially if the unspeakable happens. Believe me, I understand the feeling.

Somewhere in your mind, you’re asking yourself questions like ‘What could possibly go wrong?’ or ‘They’re only mere words, right?’ Well, let me tell you, it wouldn’t be the best idea given the circumstance we are currently in, especially for you. Have you really considered all of the possible scenarios and consequences? Of course not. Let me remind you, time and again, that it did not end well for you with other crushes before, and while the sentiment may seem courageously romantic, it really isn’t.

Think about it and try walking in their shoes for a moment. Just imagine how they feel about receiving something that can be seen as truly disrespectful or unnecessary. Your declaration of love is not just mere words, but it will be a surefire way to end an established friendship. Not only that, it would be a crushing blow to your friend-zoned ego, and it will also become increasingly uncomfortable to continue moving forward for both parties involved. Eventually, social distancing of the digital kind will occur.

It would be in your best interest to avoid the topic and the embarrassment altogether for the sake of your dignity. You cannot let your emotionally charged impulses blind you. It really isn’t worth the sacrifice. Plus, if life ever relativity gets back to normal, imagine how awkward it would be to inadvertently run-in to your crush, or frantically try to avoid a social encounter?

I will say this with much love as I possibly can. Your selective hearing wants to hear what it wants to hear, and never really listen to a word I say. It just goes from one ear and out the other. For once, I wish there were just some way I could get through to you by looking at my perspective, and at my point of view when you look at me in the mirror. If I didn’t care, then we wouldn’t be having this discussion while you’re taking care of your routine in the washroom. Take my advice, or better yet, heed my warning, and save yourself from heartbreak. It’s for your own good. You will thank you later.



Masaki Araya
Hello, Love

Recording engineer, mixing engineer, Emmy® nominee, cartoonist beatmaker, composer, producer, arranger, writer, & tutor.