Give Up These 5 Things For a Happier Relationship
It’s easier than you think.
You know that feeling of freedom when your relationship is going well? Your mind is at rest, and you feel comfortable in your own skin and happy just to be together.
Giving up is often the thing that brings you the joy you deserve.
A happy relationship is void of self-doubt and worry. You and your sweetie pie both know you are worthy of the love you have found.
Sometimes we grip tightly to things in an effort to hold on to our beautiful treasures. This is a mistake when it comes to matters of the heart. A solid connection comes from letting go and letting good enough be good enough.
I have had immense success as a couples therapist, helping people save their marriages by giving up.
Give Up On Being Right
You want to be respected. It’s not your fault.
Modern-day society rewards accomplishments and achievements. We live in a world where everyone is trying to prove they know more than you do.
You know what it’s like to be around someone so busy obliviously enjoying the sound of their own voice that they have lost their audience completely without even noticing.