Good Men Do So Much, but Ungrateful Women Say “I Need More”

Why doesn’t she appreciate all that you do? Read here to understand what’s really going on.

Lee Bidoski
Hello, Love


A woman sits on a table. She holds a wine glass containing a pink beverage in each hand and sips out of one of the glasses.
Photo by Justin Aikin on Unsplash

Good men — they work hard at their jobs to support their families. They do the dishes. They change diapers.

This particular variety of ‘good man’ goes to the grocery store any time his beloved has forgotten something. He does laundry. He changes the oil in the cars. He does his share of the cooking and cleaning and child-rearing. He fetches her tampons for god’s sake.

He gets estimates to see how much it’s going to cost to get the dead tree cut down, then he works overtime so y’all can afford to get the dead tree cut down.

He’s every woman’s wet dream.

Yet one day, his woman comes to him and says, “I need more.”

What the…?!

He is so tired all the time because he works so hard at his job and so hard at home. He already does so dang much for her and their life together, and…it’s not enough?!

Now we’re all criticizing this woman, telling her she’s too dang needy. She needs too much. She is ‘too much’. She should be grateful to have such a good, hard-working man who does so much for her.



Lee Bidoski
Hello, Love

I’m a psychology professor trying to understand and improve our lives. Relationships | Dating | Health | Careers | Sports | Law Enforcement | Military