Good Men Don’t Mistreat Women

And say they deserve it…abusive men do.

Colleen Sheehy Orme
Hello, Love


Photo by Budgeron Bach: On Pexels

I’m up late night talking to a friend. She’s the sweetest of the sweet. She’s someone who feels things deeply, almost to her detriment. She could use protection.

It reminds me of a moment, during my divorce.

I’m devastated and crying.

“Colleen,” says my friend. “You are missing a protective coating.”

Her words catch me off guard. Not because she speaks them. Not because they may not be true. Especially, during the most devastating time in my life.

But because under other circumstances, I might have spoken them to her.

She’s that kind of good.

I know her strength.

She knows mine. But she spies my weakness. She recognizes my self-detriment. She’s attempting to wake me up. I realize this. Her next statement illustrates it.

“Colleen,” she says. “I’m going to tell you what my mother once told me. Do not allow these people to take you down.”

Divorce is ugly.

I was feeling every ounce of it.

She was advising me to stop absorbing the inflicted pain of my ex and others.



Colleen Sheehy Orme
Hello, Love

National Relationship Columnist, Journalist & Former Business Columnist. I cover love, life, & relationships— #WomanResurrected