Green Flags To Grasp Onto When You’re Used To Dating Bad Boys

Don’t let the disfunction of your past let you mistake them as red.

Alexandra Ringer
Hello, Love


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

True story, when I first started dating my now boyfriend — I thought he probably wasn’t into women. This was solely because he was much more thoughtful, caring, and sweet than all the boys I had dated before.

I was used to dating bad boys, and he was a whole different breed. He dated me with intention, something I had never experienced. Instead of seeing this as the green flag it was though, I saw it as a red flag.

I saw all the healthy things as red flags blinded by the norms I had become accused of with the bad boys. I didn’t even tell friends or family about these things out of fear they would say it was too good to be true.

Two years later, and I scream his green flags from the rooftops. I tell everyone what a great human being he is and how he came into our partnership, unlike anything I had ever experienced for.

I advise friends to look for these green flags when dating too. Had I been stuck on them being red flags, due to the novelty of all that this good boy was, I would have missed out on the healthy relationship I have today.



Alexandra Ringer
Hello, Love

Life Coach & Writer on how to end toxic cycles appearing in your life and manifest the dream. I use my own story to inspire you✨ IG: @recov.her.y