He Wants a Wife and Baby in 2 Years Because Life Is Amazon Prime

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Zed Bee
Hello, Love


Photo by Andrew Stickelman on Unsplash

“What are you looking for?”

I paused for a moment, taken aback by the directness of the question. After all, this was our first ever phone call, its primary purpose to appease our respective mothers.

“What do you mean?” I asked. Then to buy some time I countered with, “what are you looking for?”

“I want to get married and have a baby within the next two years.”

What? My eyebrows furrowed. I did some quick maths. “You want to have a kid in 2 years’ time?” I clarified.


Woah, I thought, that’s some timeline. I didn’t realize I’d said this out loud.

I don’t know why it shocked me. He never said he wanted to marry and have me pregnant in two years but I was still feeling the pressure. Suddenly alarm bells started ringing and the word “ABORT” was running across my mind. I hardly knew the man; we hadn’t even met in person yet; I didn’t want to know this.

“Do you normally tell people that as soon as you meet them?” I asked.

“Yes”, he said, and he found it seemed to scare people off.



Zed Bee
Hello, Love

I like to think. And I like to write. Join my email list for more insights, breakdowns, and interesting ideas 👉 https://zedbelle.com/zeds-letters