Here’s How You Know You’ve Met A Truly Attractive Man

It’s definitely not something you’ve heard of.

Hello, Love


Photo by Arrul lin on Unsplash

I was badly afflicted with wanderlust when I was in my 20s, and often took time off to solo-wander various parts of the world with my gigantic backpack.

I made many wonderful, soul-stirring memories — watching the sunrise from a hilltop cabin with a mug of steaming tea; huddling around a fireplace in a Mongolian yurt; wriggling my toes on beaches as azure-coloured waves ran towards the shore; sitting in medieval plazas of European cities nursing a tiny espresso.

I also met many men, and I suspect it was because I was (back in the day) a very petite, somewhat naive-looking young woman who always got mistaken for a teenager.

It was in one of those old European plazas, on a balmy sticky evening in Rome, where I met the Very Attractive Man.

It’d been a long, sweaty summer day of being a tourist traipsing around Rome. I was wrung out from the eight hours of walking around, most of them in scorching heat. So when I stumbled into a quiet, cool plaza with a very pretty fountain in the centre, I treated myself to a small ice-cream and sank down gratefully onto the ledge of the fountain.



Hello, Love

Hello! I'm here to read and share stories about family, friendships, relationships and quirks of life as a woman in the 21st century.