Here’s Why People Love Abusers and Narcissists, According to Psychology

Trauma binds you more than you think.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Oh, the feeling of falling in love. I’m guessing most of you are familiar with the lovely song by Lionel Richie, Love Will Conquer All. And indeed, when we fall in love, doesn’t it feel like anything’s possible and we can truly conquer the world?

That is, unless you’ve fallen in love with an abuser and/or a narcissist, in which case, the only thing you’re left to conquer is your fear of your partner and their toxic, abusive behavior.

Abusive and toxic relationships are something quite puzzling to the outsider. When the abuse is so evident, you may wonder, why the hell would someone stay?

I mean, think about it. We’ve all had that one friend who, at one point, got stuck in an abusive relationship. Every time they described what they had to endure with their partner, what did you say to them? I know all I could think of saying was:

“How can you keep up with such behavior? Just leave.”

The thing is, someone who is stuck in such a relationship never gives a good answer to this question. That’s because not everything can be explained with logic, especially not the matters of the heart.



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: Newsletter + more: