Here’s Why You Should Thank the Narcissist Who Hurt You

There’s a reason they were in your life.

Leah Njoki
Hello, Love


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Imagine this.

You’re seated in the corner of a dimly lit room with no opening but a small window on one side of the wall. Although there’s a thin streak of light penetrating the room, you can’t help but feel the walls closing in on you.

As you stare at the shards of glass in the middle of the room, a surge of fear rises within you. It terrifies, weakens, and renders you hopeless.

Deep down, you know you’re not supposed to feel trapped and powerless. Life isn’t meant to taste so bland as is evident of the streak of light from the window. The light beckons sunshine, peace, and happiness in a bigger and happier world outside your four walls.

If you’ve ever been trapped in the tight wedge of narcissistic abuse, you’ll agree that this is precisely how it feels.

But what if I told you that you should thank the narcissistic monster who ripped your heart out and ate it in right front of you?

Sounds crazy, I know, but as a survivor of narcissistic abuse myself, the experience transformed my life in ways I couldn't possibly imagine.

If you’ve been through a similar experience, allow me to show why you should be…



Leah Njoki
Hello, Love

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