How An Epic 2-Day Fling Empowered Me

The smallest interactions can have the largest effects.

Camille Prairie
Hello, Love


Lake Nahuel Huapi, San Carlos de Bariloche. Taken by Author

It’s September, 2019 in snowy San Carlos de Bariloche, Bariloche, Argentina and I slowly creak the door to the room I share in my hostel open, wary of the fact it is 3 am. “Goodnight,” a voice whispers from the dark behind me. “Goodnight, “ I say, smiling, as I quietly slip into my bottom bunk.

I arrived in San Carlos de Bariloche the day before and immediately hit it off with my roommates from Jackson Hole, Wyoming over a bottle of wine someone else had bought. I had worked off a hangover the following day on overpriced brunch.

In my 5 months in Argentina, I had come to love many things about Argentina, and it had become clear early that full breakfast would never be one of those things. I let Lake Nahuel Huapi heal my hangover with its beauty and had a day packed full of adventures, stories for another time-think getting lost in Patagonia, being a patient in a very small, local emergency room type of stories.

The night of the 3 am return to my room began with more loud banter in the hostel common area facilitated by Malbec(one of Argentina’s proudest accomplishments), a healthy hatred of Chile-I personally love Chile, but the Argentinian-Chilean competition is no joke among native Argentinians- and myself as…



Camille Prairie
Hello, Love

NC-based freelance-writer and semi-functional 25 year old navigating what it means to be an adult. Find me at