How Many Close Friends Does the Average Person Have?

and Why It Matters

Sachin pandit
Hello, Love


Photo by AJ Alao on Unsplash

Friendship. It is a term that may make one think of fun-filled parties, soul-searching conversations at midnight, and loyalty in the best and worst of times.

It is a common occurrence for people to confuse close friends with simple people whom one knows. But that is not the case. Of course, many people have never realized that the number of friends one has can really influence his or her life.

What does it even mean to have close friends? But more to the point, how can this be used to improve your own social relationships?

What it means to have close friends

Talking simply, Close friends are those individuals or the person with whom we share a deep mutual bond, it’s from both side. They may be the people we run to when in trouble or share with when we are most successful.

One good example is the Covid-19 incident that happened in the year 2020. When the lockdown measures began and social distancing was encouraged, the sentiment felt lonely. It became like everyone was in their own little worlds.

Many thought that social relations would never recover and would remain severely compromised. However, as the restrictions began to ease, it was possible to…



Sachin pandit
Hello, Love

Trying to spread some positivity, medical student interested in neurology.