How Men Know She’s The One

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)
Hello, Love


#6 shows women how to be the game-changer in a man’s life

Image by Alec White from Pixabay

In this story, I speak to women who want to know how men choose a woman to spend the rest of their life with. I hope the six points below shed light on the concerns some women may have with regard to their fears in and around relationships.

1. Men are attracted to women who are open to love.

Men love to be protectors and providers. That’s two of the many ways men show their love. When women bring their unhealed selves to the relationship, they can’t receive the love that’s coming their way. Healing is important for this very reason, so that negative past experiences don’t come in the way of receiving and giving love in relationships. A woman at peace with herself is open to love.

2. Men like to feel like men.

Essentially, men appreciate women who embrace their femininity. Feminine women know how to allow men to take the lead. And they are more about the flow and okay with following the man where he leads her.

Men are about structure and direction. Personally, it’s a relief for a woman who finds a man with direction and purpose. Men need a reason to be in a woman’s life. If, as a woman, out of…



Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)
Hello, Love

Heals narcissistic abuse, tries not to worry much & defuses emotional time bombs for fun | Free resources: | IG & YT @latakokalofficial