How Name-Calling Damages Your Relationship

Do you and your partner have discussions that turn into arguments, with flaring tempers and, finally, calling each other names?

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Gary McClain

Luke and his wife, Kaylee, have been having an ongoing disagreement that they haven’t yet found a way to resolve. To say they are angry at each other is almost an understatement. They are really angry at each other.

To complicate things, things haven’t been going well at work for Luke, and that has left him even more on edge. He would be the first to admit that his patience is pretty much depleted at this point. So you can imagine how he reacted when the topic came up again.

Luke made the same point he has been making all along, and Kaylee made her point. “You are totally not listening to me,” he said to her.

“Oh, I heard you,” Kaylee responded. “Over and over. You’re not listening to me!”

“What? Not listening to you?” Luke said. And then, he said something that even at the moment it came out of his mouth, he knew he would later regret:

“You are such a __________.”

Now, I will let you fill in the two blanks. In the first blank goes an adjective, choose one that comes to…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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