How Should a Relationship Be?

Principles to follow.

Hello, Love


A relationship is a state of being connected with someone and having a deep understanding and affection for that person. It is a close connection that generates a healthy life. It usually develops when you deal with someone in a workplace or elsewhere and have deep interaction. Due to this interaction, you feel romantic feelings for a person. These feelings generate a good relationship. A relationship should be intimate, trustworthy, harmonious, and healthy.

You should follow these principles during a relationship.

1. Have trust

2. Respect for one another

3. Keep privacy intact

4. Deep understanding

5. Do not cross boundaries

6. Communicate openly

7. Have fun together

8. Resolve conflict mutually

9. Follow a forgiving attitude

10. Control yourself in critical condition

1. Have trust

Trust is a basic factor that builds a strong relationship. When you trust your partner, you agree to rely on each other. You should follow a realistic attitude in a relationship. Your honest behavior will lead your relationship towards the happiest…



Hello, Love

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