How to Cope With Narcissistic Injuries

And the pain they create.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by Ryan Arya from Pexels

We undergo narcissistic injuries all the time throughout our lives.

Our partner cheats on us. Our boss fires us. Our husband announces they want a divorce. That girl/boy we’ve been going out with tells us they want to end things.

Narcissistic injuries are part of life — you can neither prevent nor predict them. What you can do, is to learn how to effectively cope with them.

This article breaks down:

  • what is a narcissistic injury
  • why each person reacts differently to a narcissistic injury
  • how you can cope with narcissistic injuries

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

What Is a Narcissistic Injury?

Narcissistic injuries refer to each loss and rejection we undergo throughout our lives, that hurts our ego and lowers our self-esteem.

As clinical psychologist Vanessa Moore explains in her article:

“The psychoanalytic literature describes the loss, any loss, as a blow to the ego, which creates a ‘narcissistic injury’: a wound to the self that lowers our self-esteem and can result in a range of emotions, including shame, humiliation, and rage.”



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: Newsletter + more: