How to Date a Short Guy

The 4-part method (for getting over yourself) so you can happily date the short guy.

Wendy Newman
Hello, Love


Copyright: 123RF Stock Photo

Ask Wendy: Dating, Sex & Relationship Advice for the Bold

Hey Wendy,

I am dating a great guy. I am 5'4" but have always preferred men 5'10" or taller. He’s more like 5'6" since we were eye-to-eye with my flat shoes on.

I feel awkward with our height being so close. I was raised to “look up” to my man and all my friends and family are with taller men. I went on more dates with him because I thought it was shallow to discount all of his good qualities just because of his height. He is charming, funny, intelligent, we have similar values, can talk for hours and we have amazing sexual chemistry.

My friends, family, and even the professionals say to get over it and height means nothing but they are not married to or dating a short man, including you. What advice can you give women in my situation to get over this stigma so we don’t sabotage a good thing because of a few inches?

Jean T.


Hey Jean,

Did you know science shows that on average women prefer their mate to be at least four inches taller, so we feel safe? Yup. This comes from our instinctive, animalistic…



Wendy Newman
Hello, Love

Dating, Sex & Relationship Expert and Author of 121 First Dates (Simon & Schuster). Over 80,000 women trust Wendy’s advice, tools, & experience.