How to Date In an Outbreak 🤷‍♀️

Trust me, there’s nothing to it.

Emma Leamore
Hello, Love


Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

“Got any guys on the go Em?”

[Facepalm] Of all the things to ask.

A little context: At the time of the question in question, I was coming to terms with the rather abrupt end to my once in a lifetime trip around South America. An unpredictable twist of fate that sent my 31-year-old arse fleeing Colombia on the last plane back to... my mum’s house.

From cultural overdose to a harsh dose of reality in just 48 hours. Boom.

The only solace being, that I wasn’t the only one back at square one. If life was a game of snakes and ladders a whole bunch of us just landed on that big fucker down the side.

Now as with all the things life throws, there’s a silver lining - this unexpected turn of events gave me time. Time to reconnect with my siblings, time to create, time to enjoy a whole bunch of things except find the one thing that the clock is forever ticking on - Love.

Surely now is not the time for that?

It seems strange to me that we all (myself included) pry into each other's love life as if love is in anyone’s control. We are encouraged to be more independent than ever before, yet we all answer to the call of tradition when it comes to pushing love on one…

