How to Deal with a New Boyfriend’s Adult Children

Wendy Newman
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2023


Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

Ask Wendy: Dating, Sex & Relationship Advice for the Bold

Hey Wendy,

I have been in an amazing, satisfying relationship for the last 2 months with a widower. The connection is incredible. We are both over-impressing each other, pleasing each other and more onto being ourselves and showing up as we are. Huge credit to your online courses for allowing me to be in such a blissful partnership.

We haven’t made our relationship known to anyone yet due to his situation. His wife was killed almost a year ago, and his children are still grieving. He told me about this at the start.

He wants to introduce me to his family and friends; and we talked about waiting for the right moment. My question for you is how do I deal with his adult children once he breaks the news? Any wise tips/ thoughts as I don’t think this is going to be easy on them.

We are both very happy together and I want to be able to support him when the time comes. Thank you for all your guidance.



Hey CM,

Congratulations on finding a good match for you and creating a happy relationship! I’m glad my courses helped.



Wendy Newman
Hello, Love

Dating, Sex & Relationship Expert and Author of 121 First Dates (Simon & Schuster). Over 80,000 women trust Wendy’s advice, tools, & experience.