How to Deal with Relationship Conflict When You’re the Cause

I’ve figured out a few things about recovering from my own bone-headedness.

Deepak Shukla
Hello, Love


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

I had a bust-up with my girlfriend last night.

Tensions have been rising about being housebound the for a long time, right alongside the continual roll-call of client cancellations.

They are just dropping like flies at the moment.

It’s been a really challenging time trying to market in a non-standard environment. And I didn’t communicate my desire to talk this through in-depth with my girlfriend, when I’ve wanted to walk through what I should do/focus upon right now for some time.

It’s no secret that agency life isn’t particularly enjoyable.

And it’s of my own accord I decided to not really section-time away to actually make it a focused discussion (even if it’s with myself) to process how I feel properly. Instead, it’s been 5–10 minute conversations here and there without giving it really considered thought.

These are the trappings of working remotely and, by and large, alone.

This resulted in me having a huge bust-up with my partner and it turning into a personal attack-led conversation. The argument stemmed from myself and how awful I was…



Deepak Shukla
Hello, Love

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