How To Find And Date An Exceptionally High Quality Partner

Jordan Gray says that partnering up with an exceptionally high quality partner is super-easy. Here’s how.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Jordan Gray

Looking to find and date a high quality partner? You’re in luck!

I recently wrote a piece over on Elephant Journal called “Marry A Man Who Knows How To Love Hard.”

I described a man who is there for all of the inevitable what-if’s of life… who lovingly listens to how his partner’s day went… and who understands that love is shown through the little things. From my vantage point, nothing outlandishly extraordinary… and yet, a lot of commenters weighed in on the post with consistently surprising reactions.

The two most common questions that showed up across the comments section were…

a) Do these kinds of people actually exist?

b) If they do exist, where can you find such a person, and what can you do to attract them?

Note: I wrote the piece about men because the majority of the people who follow Elephant Journal are heterosexual women, so I framed the piece in a way that would appeal to the majority of their readers. I’m going to switch to a more gender neutral stance for the rest of



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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